Voter Information
Web Resources
Election Information, from the Maynard Town Clerk
Includes sample ballots, voter registration information, precinct locations and past election results.
Voter Registration for the Town of Maynard
Includes information on in-person, mail-in, and online voter registration. Also details the absentee and vote by mail process.
State of Massachusetts Election Division
Elections Information, from the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, including Ballot Question Information, whether or not you are registered to vote, and election statistics.
Voting and Election Information from the Massachusetts League of Women Voters.
Elections and candidate information from Project Vote Smart.
Massachusetts Office of Campaign & Political Finance
Includes campaign finance activity for all statewide candidates.
From the Sunlight Foundation, includes information on legislators, including campaign finance and voting records.
A project of the Tampa Bay Times, includes the "Truth-O-Meter," which fact-checks political statements, and rates claims for accuracy.
Makes available current and historical campaign finance data related to individual candidates and political action committees.
Voting and Elections Info from
Includes answers to common questions about voting in the United States.
Please note that while our website does contain a small number of outside curated links (primarily to local, governmental, and non-profit sites covering subjects of interest to our patrons), we regret that we are unable to spend the time to fully evaluate unsolicited links that are sent to us for inclusion on our site; therefore we do not act on these recommendations.
Updated 6/18/2023. J.R.