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2022 Poetry Challenge

Thanks for taking home a Poetry Challenge Kit!

You are encouraged to try one, two, or all three of the poetry challenges included, and we would love to read whatever you create.

Just remember: the most important part of this challenge is to have fun!

If you would like to share what you write with us, send your poem to Let us know if you would like it shared in the library!

If you have not picked up a kit - never fear! They are available at the Circulation Desk anytime the library is open.

(Kit includes: 2 words to rhyme to; 2 paint chips; 1 photograph)


Poetry Challenge #1- Rhyming Poem

Write a poem that rhymes with one or both of the words in your kit! You can use any rhyme scheme and poem form you choose. 

To learn more about rhymes and rhyming poetry:

MasterClass: Poetry 101

Poetry Foundation: Rhyme

Online Rhyming Dictionary: WikiRhymer

Online Rhyming Dictionary: RhymeZone
Online Rhyming Dictionary: Rhymer

Rhyming Dictionaries at the Library

Poetry Challenge #2- Paint Chip Poetry

Write a poem in the format or style of your choice. The catch - you must include the names of all the paint colors on your paint chip!

This poem can be written directly on your paint chip or on a separate piece of paper. You can write 1 poem using 1 paint chip, 1 poem using 2 paint chips, or 2 poems each using different paint chips.

To learn more about paint chip poetry:

Paint Chip Poetry

Also, if you search "Paint Chip Poetry" online, you'll probably find lots of results for a board game. If you ever play it, we'd love to hear about it!

Poetry Challenge #3- Photo Inspiration Poetry

Write a poem in the format or style of your choice inspired by the photo in your kit!

To learn more about Photo Inspiration Poetry:

Write a Poem Inspired by a Picture

Creative Writing - Photograph Poem

Maynard Public Library 77 Nason Street Maynard, MA 01754 Phone 978-897-1010 

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