Library E-Resources
Note: For home access to the library's e-resources, you will need your Minuteman Library card number to log in.
Explore career tools to help you get a handle on what you're interested in, the skills and training you'll need, and what you can expect from your career path. Discover which careers suit you best, research potential career options, and explore the requirements and outlooks for the occupations you're interested in.
This resource requires you to create an individual account so you may save your work.
Library E-Resources
(from Boston Public Library)
Massachusetts residents are eligible to use the Boston Public Library's online e-resources. You will need a BPL e-card to access these resources. If you do not already have an e-card, you can register for one at:
Access all of BPL's e-resources at:
AtoZdatabases is a leading job search, reference & mailing list database including 30 million business profiles & 220 million residents. Ideal for sales leads mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends and relatives, and more.
Test preparation materials and practice exams for K-12 subjects, high school equivalency, college and graduate admissions, military, U.S. citizenship, and professional licensing and certification exams. Includes the Job & Career Accelerator to help you achieve your career goals.
Delivers private and public United States and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executives and industry profiles. Provides contact information for over 250 million United States consumers and shows job listings specific to each company.
LinkedIn Learning offers 16,000 video courses in business, software, technology, and creative skills, taught by recognized industry experts. Courses are offered in English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin, and Portuguese.
Boston Public Library is excited to partner with Interplay Learning to offer SkillMill for all-things maintenance training and skilled trades training course online. SkillMill offers the opportunity to:
Explore careers in the skilled trades including HVAC, plumbing, solar, and electrical and appliance repair.
Gain continuing education units and prepare for certification exams like EPA 608, OSHA 10, NATE and more.
Learn how to complete home repair projects.
A library card and an email address are required to use this resource. Complete the registration form, opens a new window to request access to SkillMill. All interested candidates will be contacted by a staff member of the BPL for confirmation and introduction to the Interplay Platform.
Vault publishes numerous employer, career, internship, resume, and interviewing guidebooks. The guides cover industries such as law, consulting, investment banking, accounting, investment management, private equity, hedge funds, Internet and social media, IT and engineering, energy, health care, advertising, and more.
Job Search Websites
Job search articles from the Boston Globe. Updated 2-3 times per week.
Boston Job Source
New England job search engine.
Career Builder
Find jobs, career recommendations, industry news.
Craigslist Jobs for the Boston Area
Lists all types of jobs in the area. Using Craigslist, you can search other metro areas too.
Looking for a job near you? Did you know that you can, also, search for jobs on Google? It's not just jobs IN Google, but if you want to select a specific location, the site lets you. On the left is a list of jobs and on the right, there is more detailed information after you select the job you want to see. Google also shows you where the job is posted, which can help job hunters navigate easier.
A great way to find a good job is to allow the recruiters to find you! Indeed has a great service of allowing recruiters to look through resumes and make contact before the job seeker contacts them. Especially those seeking to fill immediate openings. Setting up alerts also helps with the process and the email settings is simple to adjust to various comfort levels.
Leverage the world’s largest professional network to build relationships and connect with opportunity. Use LinkedIn Job Search to harness the power of your network to uncover insights such as whom you know at a company, providing you an edge in your job search.
One of the largest job websites in the world.
Jobs for people over age 50.
Search engine for jobs. Aggregates results from many different career websites.
The Federal government’s official job list. Find employment search tools, an information center, veteran information, and forms.
Once you find an industry that you prefer to be in, ZipRecruiter will search for more that are similar and recommend them to you in a list. The website is easy to navigate, preferences are set easily, and there is a wide pool of jobs to choose from.
Helpful Websites and Resources
Boston Public Library's Kirstein Business Library & Innovation Center (KBLIC)
Offers free, online and in person business and job search assistance.
The Massachusetts Career Information System (MassCIS)
The Massachusetts Department of Career Services (DCS) is pleased to offer the Massachusetts Career Information System (MassCIS). Free on-line to all Massachusetts residents, MassCIS is designed to provide occupational and educational information to help people make better-informed career and school choices.
Contains resume help, self assessment for job searching, and job ideas. Recently out of work? Visit the re-employment portal, which includes answers about unemployment benefits and COBRA rights.
Here you can build your own resume and find other people's resume samples.
Glassdoor finds all jobs at all companies, so you can search them all in one place. With Glassdoor's salary data, you'll know the job's salary before you apply and with Read Reviews get an inside look at any job or company.
Supplements the book "What Color is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers. Contains resources to guide you in doing part of your job hunt on the Internet and articles written by Dick Bolles (author of the book) and others.
Online Templates for Microsoft Office
Includes templates for resumes and cover letters. Use search box for either.
A national recognized source of career information, describing different careers, conditions, training and education needed, earnings, and future job prospects.
Search salaries from over 50 million jobs in the last year by specific location.
MassHire Career Centers
Visit a MassHire Career Center for:
Job search assistance
Workshops on job search techniques including interviewing, networking, and resume writing
Complete list of MassHire Career Centers
107 Merrimack St (Lowell, MA)
MassHire Metro South/West Career Center
39 Grant St. Suite 150 (Framingham, MA)
In-Library Resources
All resume, cover letter, and employment resource books that the library owns can be found in the Non-Fiction area of the 2nd level under the 650.14 Dewey call number or nearby.
If you need assistance finding a certain title or career resource, please ask at the Reference Desk or call 978-897-1010 x103.
Please note that while our website does contain a small number of outside curated links (primarily to local, governmental, and non-profit sites covering subjects of interest to our patrons), we regret that we are unable to spend the time to fully evaluate unsolicited links that are sent to us for inclusion on our site; therefore we do not act on these recommendations.
Revised 1/22/2024 J.J.R